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Tales For The Wee Little Ones

                          Winner of the parents choice award recommended

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More Tales For The Wee Little Ones

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The New Book

“Mia and the Adventure of the Mysterious Library”
Written by
Shawn Middleton

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“Sam And The Peanut Butter Crackers”
Written by
Shawn Middleton

In the story, Sam and the Peanut Butter Crackers, a young boy tries a new snack for the first time. Little does he know that the only words he will be able to say are “Mmmgumpf” when the peanut butter gets stuck to the roof of his mouth. How will he explain the rules of “Green Grass Monster” to his friend Harry or to his babysitter Stephanie? Soon he will find out that his babysitter is not so ordinary after all.

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