

Shawn Middleton brings stories alive for young children! He is dedicated and very passionate about what he does. His use of props, attitude and approach to storytelling really gets children involved and excited about the stories. He possesses a gentle manner with the children and is very respectful of their culture, language and interests. He is always prepared and makes sure that he delivers exactly what you want the children to experience. I have hired Shawn on several occasions and he has presented workshops for my NCC students and teachers on how to tell stories. His tips and ideas have really helped them to bring storytelling into their classrooms and really making it work. He has come to CT to tell stories for my Child Development Laboratory School and also for a family night and for my summer transition program. On all occasions, the children were engaged and a part of the stories. The laughter and amount of participation is a gauge for how well the experience went for the children. I have received positive feedback from the children and they talk about the stories and Shawn for a long time after he leaves. Families all wish he lived in CT so he could come and tell stories more.

For my Brighter Futures Summer Transition Program, most of these children have never experienced live storytelling. All I can say is that it is a great experience and one that sets children off on a good literacy path and helps them develop a love of stories and books. I look forward to working with Shawn and would highly recommend him as a professional storyteller.

Written by Jennifer Wood
CDLS Director at Norwalk Community College
Norwalk, Connecticut

“The programs were developmentally appropriate, the perfect lengths, and most importantly, interactive. The children became as much of a part of the story as Shawn did and were captivated.”
Denise Libby
A Child’s Place
Hampton Falls, NH

“The kids loved you, as did the staff. We loved how you reinforced in the kids to follow their dreams and they can do anything they set their mind to. Nice to leave us with such a positive note. You are a top notch storyteller. We really enjoyed your time with us. We were intrigued and truly entertained. You adapted so well to the different levels of your audience.”
Wanda Lumsden
First Grade Teacher
Epping Elementary School, NH

“Shawn did a great job. He really got the children involved in the stories and held their focus and interest. It was great that the children got to get involved with their voice and their body. It was a wonderful experience for both children and adults. It was entertaining, engaging, and meaningful.”
Carrie Long
Toddler Teacher
Plymouth State College
Child Development and Family Center

“The kids loved him! The interaction between students and storyteller was impressive.”
Adele Pulitzer
Mast Way Elementary School
Lee, New Hampshire

“He was exciting and used very funny voices.”
Student from Judy George’s third grade class
Mast Way Elementary School
Lee, New Hampshire

“You wowed the crowd with your dynamic, animated storytelling and your choice of stories not only leant themselves well to this year’s theme, but were age- appropriate as well. Your strong commitment to helping kids find their “inner” storyteller and your stories that capitalize on teachable moments from your own personal experiences provided for an enchanted evening of stories and fun. Your sense of humor to tell your stories was right on target and proved to be a big hit with the audience. The children and their parents loved your performance; you provided a big “boost” to the first week of our summer reading program.”
Lisa Morin
Director of Lee Public Library
Lee, New Hampshire

“Shawn provides an excellent program for students. Not only does he entertain the students with his storytelling abilities, but he provides encouragement and life lessons for all. He varies his techniques depending upon his audience, and incorporates daily life into his work. Students and adults were left wanting more and excited to try some on their own.”
Dona Foster, Grade 5 Teacher
Hinsdale Elementary School
Hinsdale, New Hampshire

“I really enjoyed how he incorporated his stories so that the children could participate. I enjoyed the fact that he kept the children interest, and I could really tell that the children were all having a great time.”
Lisa Adjutant, Teacher
Wolfboro Area Children’s Center
Wolfboro, New Hampshire

He was in tune to the age that he was serving. The facial expressions and voices were lots of fun as you could see by the children’s reactions. He arrived and was ready to entertain on time and provided developmentally appropriate stories to the group. He involved the children and his enthusiasm was awesome. He knew when the children needed a little story break and did so by doing a quick stretching activity.”
Wendy Rousseau, Preschool Teacher
Growing Places
Durham, New Hampshire

“Shawn was very involved and prepared. He was very funny and very enjoyable to watch and listen to. He had the ability to keep you interested and involved. He used only his voice and body to tell the story. He used his voice and body very well to keep you focused and involved. His performance was very well done.”
Becky and Toni, Toddler Teachers
Small Wonders Learning Center
Sutton, Massachusetts

“Shawn has touched the hearts and imaginations of the children in my care.  We listen to the Live Album in my car every day.  When we eat peanut butter sandwiches, all three boys pretend to be Sam from Sam & the Peanut Butter Crackers.  Thank you for awakening their imaginations!”
Kate Stanley
Nanny/Early Childhood Educator
Chocorua, NH                                                                                                                             

